
Completing the Game

Go back to the TutorialChess class you created. The constructor should look like this.

open class TutorialChess : AbstractChess2D(

As we have created the unique special rules and win conditions, we can now add these as parameters to AbstractChess.

Step 1. Add Special Rules

There is only one special rule that needs to be added which is the one we created previously, NoRepeatedMoveFromSamePieceRule. We can add this like so:

open class TutorialChess : AbstractChess2D(

Step 2. Add Win Conditions

There is one unique win condition that needs to be added which is the one we created previously, AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition. We can add this like so:

open class TutorialChess : AbstractChess2D(
We also need to add the other non-unique win condition that has already been implemented in the library. These are:
  • A player wins by checkmating the opponent’s king.

  • Stalemate by no moves for a player not in checkmate

  • Stalemate by threefold repetition

We can add these like so:

open class TutorialChess : AbstractChess2D(
                                  listOf(AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition(), StandardEndConditions())

Step 3. Overall

The final class should look like this:

package tutorial

import boards.Board2D
import coordinates.Coordinate2D
import gameTypes.chess.AbstractChess2D
import pieces.chess.*
import regions.CoordinateRegion
import winconditions.StandardEndConditions

open class TutorialChess : AbstractChess2D(
                                  listOf(AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition(), StandardEndConditions()) {
    private val outOfBoundsRegion = CoordinateRegion(3, 3)
    override val board: Board2D = Board2D(7, 7, outOfBoundsRegion)
    override val name = "Tutorial Chess"

    override fun initBoard() {
      val fen = FenUtility("rbakbar/ppppppp/7/7/7/PPPPPPP/RBAKBAR")

      fen.extendFenPieces('a', ::Alfil)
      fen.extendFenPiecesCaseSensitive('p', ::BerlinWhitePawn, ::BerlinBlackPawn)

      fen.initBoardWithFEN(board, players[0], players[1])