
Move Generators

Everything to do with move generators


interface MoveGenerator<B : Board<B, M, GM, P, C>, M : MoveGenerator<B, M, GM, P, C>, GM: Move<B, M, GM, P, C>, P: Piece<B, M, GM, P, C>, C: Coordinate>

Represents a type of the movement of pieces.

For example, we use four types of moves to describe the movement of standard chess pieces:
  • Sliders - move along a ray direction until they encounter another piece or the edge of the board

  • Leapers - perform single steps to specified target squares

  • Steppers - perform single (repeated) steps in a particular board direction

  • Hoppers - can move along a ray direction, but must jump over another piece.

We also use the following conditions as wrappers to describe moves:
  • CaptureOnly - move can only occur if it captures a piece

  • NoCapture - move can only occur if it doesn’t capture a piece

  • Restricted - move can only occur when the piece starts in a specific region

  • RestrictedDestination - move can only occur if the destination is within a specific region

  • Composite - This is a wrapper around a list of basic moves to represent composite moves.

To add moves which could result in promotion, we use the ‘AddPromotion’ wrapper which takes in a list of moves which can results in promotion.

We also include a special move ‘Skip’ to skip moves, as in Janggi.


fun generate(board: B, coordinate: C, piece: P, player: Player): List<GM>

Generates a list of corresponding game moves.


interface Region

Represents a region on the board.


fun isInRegion(coordinate: Coordinate2D): Boolean
Returns true, if the coordinate is within the region specified. Otherwise returns false.