
Developer Setup

Prerequisites - JDK 8+ installed

Using The Engine With Our Frontend

Download the KChess project here and unzip it.

# Building everything and running all tests
./gradlew build

# Creating jar file to distribute the desktop application (desktop/build/libs/desktopclient.jar)
./gradlew :desktop:dist

# Creating jar file to distribute the console application (console/build/libs/consoleclient.jar)
./gradlew :console:shadowJar

# Creating jar file to distribute the engine to integrate with other frontends (engine/build/libs/chessengine.jar)
./gradlew :engine:shadowJar

# Creating jar file to run the desktop server (server/build/libs/server.jar)
./gradlew :server:shadowJar

Using The Engine For Your Own Projects

Download the core engine jar here and configure your project to use the library.