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  • Creating the new End Condition

Creating the new End Condition

The end conditions for this chess variant are:
  • A player wins once by taking all the opponent pawns

  • A player wins by checkmating the opponent’s king.

  • Stalemate by no moves for a player not in checkmate

  • Stalemate by threefold repetition

The first is a new end condition specific to this variant which we will implement here, and the remaining three are pre-existing standard end conditions.

Step 1: Create a new file

  1. Create a new file called “AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition.kt” in the Tutorial package.

  2. Create a class called AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition which implements the EndCondition2D<AbstractChess> interface

package tutorial

import gameTypes.chess.AbstractChess2D
import winconditions.EndCondition2D

class AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition : EndCondition2D<AbstractChess2D> {
  // Leave this empty for now.

Step 3: Implement the evaluate method

Now we implement the evaluate method. We want to return a win outcome for the other player if the player being evaluated has lost all their pawns, and null otherwise.

override fun evaluate(game: AbstractChess2D, player: Player, moves: List<Move2D>): Outcome? {

We need to check if the player has any pawns which we can do by evaluating this expression:

game.board.getPieces(player).any { piece -> piece.first is Pawn })

This returns true if the player still has pawns. getPieces(player) returns a list of pairs of pieces to coordinates which is why we do a .first on the piece.

If this expression is false, then we must return a win outcome for the other player

override fun evaluate(game: AbstractChess2D, player: Player, moves: List<Move2D>): Outcome? {
  if (!game.board.getPieces(player).any { piece -> piece.first is Pawn }) {
    return Outcome.Win(game.getOpponentPlayer(player), "by opponent losing all pawns")
We need to check both players as:
  • The current player could win by taking the final pawn of their opponent.

  • The other player could win by the current player promoting their final pawn to another piece.

override fun evaluate(game: AbstractChess2D, player: Player, moves: List<Move2D>): Outcome? {
  for (p in game.players) {
    if (!game.board.getPieces(p).any { piece -> piece.first is Pawn }) {
      return Outcome.Win(game.getOpponentPlayer(p), "by opponent losing all pawns")

If the condition is not satisfied for either player, we return null. This gives us the final evaluate function.

override fun evaluate(game: AbstractChess2D, player: Player, moves: List<Move2D>): Outcome? {
  for (p in game.players) {
    if (!game.board.getPieces(p).any { piece -> piece.first is Pawn }) {
      return Outcome.Win(game.getOpponentPlayer(p), "by opponent losing all pawns")

  return null

Step 4: Overall class

The class should now look like this:

package tutorial

import gameTypes.chess.AbstracAbstractChess2DtChess
import winconditions.EndCondition2D

class AllPawnsCapturedEndCondition : EndCondition2D<AbstractChess2D> {
  override fun evaluate(game: AbstractChess2D, player: Player, moves: List<Move2D>): Outcome? {
    for (p in game.players) {
      if (!game.board.getPieces(p).any { piece -> piece.first is Pawn }) {
        return Outcome.Win(game.getOpponentPlayer(p), "by opponent losing all pawns")

    return null