This is a list of utils we made
Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN) is a standard notation for describing a particular board position of a chess game.
Our shortened FEN notation takes 3 fields:
Piece placement
Active colour
Castling Availibilty
For example a valid FEN string for standard chess would be “rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq”
class FenUtility(val FENstring: String)
Takes a FENstring and checks the correctness when initialised. Throws
if the FENstring is not valid.
Optional parameter args
Int whiteStartingRow
- the starting row of the white pawn from which they can move 2 steps
Int whitePromotionRow
- the row at which the white pawn will be promoted
Int blackStartingRow
- the starting row of the white pawn from which they can move 2 steps
Int blackPromotionRow
- the row at which the white pawn will be promoted
List<KFunction1<Player, Piece2D>> pawnPromotions
- a list of pieces a pawn can be promoted to
fun initBoardWithFEN(board: Board2D, player1: Player, player2: Player)
Takes a board and initialises it with the FENstring’s piece placement. Throws
if the piece placement does not fit the size of the board.
val activeColour: Int
Returns the activeColour from the FENstring
val p1CanCastleLeft: Int
val p1CanCastleRight: Int
val p2CanCastleLeft: Int
val p2CanCastleRight: Int
Returns the castling availibilty for left and right side castling for black and white
Useful for converting the gamemoves and coordinates to and from standard chess notation.
class ChessNotationInput() : NotationFormatter
fun strToCoordinate(s: String): Coordinate2D?
Converts the string representation of a coordinate to a coordinate. e.g A1 -> Coordinate(0, 6)
fun coordinateToStr(c: Coordinate2D): String
Converts a coordinate to the string representation of a coordinate. e.g Coordinate(0, 6) -> A1
fun gameMoveToStr(gameMove: GameMove2D): String
Gets the string representation of a game move.